Las Vegas Sun's Football is welcome back to you. Thank you for your supports and now we are coming back in the game for year 2013. SEE WHO is next generation being able to take over the Champion Flag. Please join with us

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About Us

Simultaneously with the growth of Las Vegas Sun Hotel & Casino, to provide all employees with power of energy, power of mind in term of healty, cooperation and undertanding within all employees and within outside people. Las Vegas Sun has arranged and perform the healthy sport that focuse maily on FOOTBALL began in late 2007.

With great supports from Chairman Mr. Park Do Young and President Mr. David Suhr, the football matches has been going very smoothly. Players from each departments were selected by their appointed team leader or organizer and registered as a team with choosen names such as

- Black Falcon
- Room Division
- Border Flying Pan
- Red Ant

Las Vegas Sun also have formed the united team which combines all above team in abid to perform friendly match with other teams.

Each team consists of serveral players but not limited to numbers. Lovely uniform of each groups were opted differentialy accordin to their favourit following by English, Italy, Spain, France or other league or tournament uniform.
All matches were celebrated at BAVET Primary School with school director's permission with the great cheer from staff and other people.
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